Radionics and Talismans

Radionic is the science of the waves of shapes and of the action from a distance!

It functions through the mastering of the energetic and vibratory irradiations that are emitted by a drawing that has a positive effect ñ it could be a form or an object. This energy has the scope to irradiate itself towards something or somebody, aiming at modifying its magnetic field. This action can be specifically directed to act on particular areas as health, good fortune, love and/or money.

On the basis of this principle, Raphael Dajafee has created different  "Spiritual  painting and Magnetic Talismans Symbols" such as the Radionix, the pocket transmitters, the Active Radionics boards, as well as professional active radionics drawing transmitters of very high quality.

Raphael Dajafee pocket "Spiritual Magnetic Talismans Symbols" have been created in order to respond to the need of the conviviality and efficacy, allowing the ëradioniciení as well as any possible user to have powerful and efficient radionic instruments, which can be used by everyone.

The pocket  "Spiritual Magnetic Talismans Symbols cards" can be carried easily, they are fixed on a magnetic base in order to allow the maximum irradiation.

They can be worn, carried in a pocket, worn in a wallet close to the identity card, or one can also use them for the ìaction at a distanceî, where the pocket "energy  cards" is placed underneath somebodyís picture.

All the "Spiritual Magnetic Talismans Symbols" have been tested and created according to symbolic parameters with very precise forms, colors and terminologies, which contribute in making them so efficient.

Raphael Dajafee  " Spiritual  painting and Spiritual Radionics Talismans Symbols", are not magic items in the primary sense of the term: they do not have a specific power, but it is their vibratory qualities which positively modify the magnetic field of the user, by acting on his subconscious, causing changes in his behavior, which will take him towards the hoped result.

These are catalysators, instruments of benefic positivism, of good luck, of healing, and it is up to the user to understand and assess the limits of these instruments.

In a century where the esoteric market takes an unequaled dimension, our products want to differentiate themselves from the miracle makers and from those who sell dreams and fairy talesÖall our products are tested and used by our team and our close friends.

Their design ñ which derives from a ësavoir faireí, from a very good practical knowledge of the radionics and from a real passion ñ warrants the quality of all the products and items which are present in the shop. We sell and distribute only what we believe in!

With  our "Spiritual  painting and Spiritual Magnetic Talismans Symbols" modify your fate and the one of your loved ones! Protect your environment of all the nuisances, negative waves and live a better life.
The "Spiritual Magnetic Talismans Symbols" allows being in a good health and helps in providing a serious support for the healing from illnesses.

Our wish is to be able to make radionics known to the largest number of individuals so that everyone will be able to beneficiate from its extraordinary applications and this way humbly participating to the well being of individuals.

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